Lost has been a show that I've been a fan of since Day 1. Actually, I was a fan before it ever premiered. They had me at 'from the maker of Alias,' and they kept me through mystery and intrigue. Even in its weaker seasons, the mystery kept me coming for more. I do love the characters (well some of them) and I certainly care what happens to them, but there were times when we had to sit through episodes on characters I didn't really care about. (Hello, Shannon). And then of course, there were those characters I liked, who's departure from the show (for whatever on- or off-set reasons) disappointed and frustrated me. (I'm looking at you Mr Eko). But there was always the mystery and always the sci-fi, and generally good writing, so there you go. A hat tip to Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse for that. [Also, I'm such a big dork I knew those names without having to look them up. At all.]
Before we enjoy the last season, I thought I'd call attention to ten of of my favorite moments. Interestingly, Lost is not a show I've watched over and over like some others, so these moments are the ones that truly stand out. I remember the main points, but some of the finer ones may have been lost. (he he) (As an aside, I have some theories on why I haven't watched them multiple times, the main one being that, for me, it's the reveal that makes Lost, so once you've seen the reveal it's not as much fun. ) Anyway, without further fanfare here are my 10 favorite moments, in no particular order:
1) 'The Pilot': This episode did what all pilots should--introduced enough characters, gave us some intrigue, gave us some WTF moments (a monster? a polar bear) all with pretty good dialogue and writing.
2) The end of the Pilot part 2: The first truly bone chilling moment for me was when we hear the French distress signal playing over and over, and learn it's been that way for 16 years. We've come a long way from the moment, but it showed us definitely that this island and this show, was different.
3) 'Walkabout': The first John Locke episode (and John Locke is my favorite character, and yes he best get his redemption) and arguably one of the best episodes ever. Learning that Locke had been in a wheelchair until arriving on the island was a spectacular twist, and showed us Locke was special. It also gives some reason for his 'Man of Faith' attitude. And do we know how he caught that boar yet?
4) The character growth of Jin: I'm not sure if there were original plans for Sun and Michael to get together, but once the writers gave Jin more dimensions than just 'mean guy who treats his wife bad' it as easy to see why Sun stuck around. Showing the same story from each of their perspective in Season 1 helped show us why Jin was the way he was. And when he apologised to Sun for not being a good husband in Season 4, you really did believe he meant it. His was a journey worth watching.
5) Desmond: If Locke is my favorite character, Desmond is 1.5 on my list (brotha). We first see the Scottish lad in a Jack flashback in Season 2 when we have no idea how integral he will become. He says he'll see Jack in another life, and boy was he right. Two of my favorite episodes, 'Flashes Before Your Eyes' and 'The Constant', are Desmond episodes. They also happen to be bookends on the Penny/Desmond arc, taking us through their journey of love, separation, and reconciliation.
6)' The Other 48 Days': Or, where we meet the Tailies. We finally see what happened to the tail section of the plane, learn who was on the other end of Boone's radio, and figure out Rose's husband is a white guy. Of course we also meet Ana-Lucia and Mr Eko, lost some kids, and Cindy, the flight attendant. And certainly don't forget, this is where Shannon gets shot. Which made me mad only in that it made all the time spent with Boone and Shannon fairly pointless.
7) 'Greatest Hits': I had a love/hate relationship with Charlie. I loved him, then hated him in that period where all he did was whine, but then kind of loved him again in the end. The final Charlie-centred episode, where he recalls his five greatest moments, was a beautiful swan song. And even though he didn't actually die until the next episode, we all knew it was coming. Seeing his moments and his good-bye to Claire, was the perfect way for him to go out on top.
8) Locke sees Jacob: Another of the truly terrifying moments was in that cabin when Locke sees Jacob for the first time. Or was it Jacob? Well, I guess we don't know about that, but it added a new level to the mythology, and I loved it.
9) Time Travelling: I love sci-fi. Duh. And there's nothing more sci-fi than time travelling. So last season was particularly fun for me when they were bouncing around time. I don't always understand it (so, Locke gave Richard the watch, which Richard gave to young Locke, who then gave it back, or something like that, and anyway, where did the damn watch come from), but I always like it.
10) They mysteries come and gone: Who are the Others (and the other Others)? What's in the hatch? Who stole Walt? Who was on the Boone's radio? Why is there a polar bear on the island? Why do the Others steal children? Who are Paulo and Nikki? Those are just a few that have had their day in the sun. It's seems so funny now that we speculated for an entire summer about what was in the hatch, but at the time who knew it was Desmond? As we gear up for the last season of debate and mysteries it's fun to go back and think about all we already do know.
There are many more moments that could make that list (a big Honorable Mention to the end of Season 3 when we figure out Jack is in the future-that was a near perfect season finale), but I have to stop somewhere.
I'll be rep-visiting Lost often throughout this season, so for now, enjoy the 'LA X, Parts 1 & 2'!
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