Saturday, January 17, 2009

BSG is here! Lost is almost here!

The last season of Battlestar Galactica got underway yesterday in the States, and while I haven't seen it yet, I hope to soon. I just need to find it (in ways we aren't going to speak of), and then we'll chat.  Lost starts up next week for its penultimate season, and let's just say, I CAN NOT WAIT.  I have already purchased my Season's Pass on iTunes (thanks in large part to a gift card someone gave me), and am ready for the shows to begin downloading. Let's hope iTunes is better at it this year, than they were last season.  

I love both of these shows for their suspense, their quest for answers, and let's face it, for their sci-fi-ness.  I haven't opined a great deal about these two shows, other than that I love them.  I'm going rectify that (hopefully) each week as I see the new episodes, and try and explain what it is that is great about them.  Maybe I can even get some of you who won't watch BSG because you think that people in space is just where you have to draw your sci-fi line, to change your mind.

I'm also looking forward to the new Joss Whedon show, Dollhouse, and seeing if it lives up to Buffy, Firefly, and Angel. 

A lot more to come as the real tv season for me heats up!

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