Monday, December 8, 2008

Mackey, I miss you.

Last month The Shield ended its series. I already miss my illegal, crupt and twisted friends from one of FXs (not to mention any channels) best shows. Mackey was the perfect 21st century character; a villian who every once and awhile, pulled at heart strings and makes the viewer actually feel sorry for the money-stealing, gang befriending, killing icon. The gritty, well directed, well acted, well written show broke the way for hour-long cable drama. Since then, it paved the way for Rescue Me, Damages, Nip/Tuck and all other excellent FX dramas. (Damages starts back up in January and I CAN'T WAIT!)

The Shield was tv acting at its best. The series finale left my jaw open, as his web of decict and stabbing left him exactly where he should be; alone. What a tangled web you weave Mackey, when first you practice to deceive. Good-bye my evil friend. Have fun working for the Feds in a small cubicle with no family, no friends and no issued firearm.

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