Monday, August 3, 2009

Summer Viewing

First of all, I really suck. I haven't blogged here ALL summer. My summer itself has sucked though, so I have some excuse. (I was in the hospital twice, had emergency surgery, was put on bed rest and had to campaign to save my job...all while being pregnant and having a horrible pregnancy!) Disclaimer stated, I have been keeping up on my summer shows, especially So You Think You Can Dance (SYTYCD) and Big Brother. We also rented the entire 2nd season of The Tudors.

SYTYCD: This week is already the finale week of my favorite summer show. I am not a dancer, but I respect the artistry and movement. My favorite couple in the beginning was Randy and Evan and their Butt Dance (thank you Mia!!!) is still the best dance of the season. (Mia's dance always is, in my opinion.) But, I can't believe that Evan is in the finale. Where is this cult following and will they continue to help save Broadway? Sure, he has personality, a spark and can move, but, is he better than Ade? No. We have to remember that the basis of the show is America's Favorite Dancer, not BEST Dancer. Of the remaining 4, I think the other three are amazing. Kayla and her snow white appearance is perfect at every dance, Jeanne has a spunk and sass that Kayla doesn't have and still does every dance perfect. Brandon embodies strength, skill and precision. Who will win? Tune in this week.

Big Brother: The show started a few weeks ago and this year is based on high school clicks. I loved the idea that people that hate each other were stuck on "teams" together, but the show already dissolved the concept, so it didn't have much time to get more interesting. Ronnie, the evil-doer of this season grates my nerves and I hope, with Russell as HOH this week, that he will be sent out the door. There are already enemies, a shomance, BFFs and back stabbing! This is why we love BB.

Finally, the HBO series, The Tudors. Based on the drama of Henry VIII, King of England, this show is amazing. The first season set up his failing marriage to Catherine and his quest to marry Anne Boleyn, thus breaking away from the Catholic Church (divorces are a no-no) and creating a religious divide throughout the world. The 2nd season, which we recently watched, continued this storyline, ushering in a new queen and quest to have a male heir. The passionate courting of Anne turns sour as soon as they are married (go figure) and Henry continues to have affairs with women of the court and create more enemies through politics and religion. Poor Sir Thomas Moore is killed for his moral high ground and allegiance to the Catholic Church and Henry is at the onset of going crazy. Anne Boleyn gives birth to Princess Elizabeth, has two miscarriages and goes a tad crazy herself trying to reclaim her king. The climax of the season ends with her death (this is old a history book!) and Henry's proclamation of Jane Seymour to be his third wife. The current season is on HBO, of which we don't have, so I will probably have to wait until next summer to watch season3. The show is amazing though and I highly recommend it. Great acting, historically (somewhat) correct, beautiful visuals and lots of passion.


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