Sunday, September 28, 2008

thursday night premieres

This past Thursday night was season premiere's for many fan favorites; Survivor, Ugly Betty, Grey's and ER. Reality TV's King started up another season in Eden...African style. The tribes were decided by the standard school-yard pick. There could be some great characters this season, although my favorite was voted out in the second hour; Gillian. There is a new twist this year related to exile island and it will be interesting to see who will be strong and pick the clue for the idol and who will be weak and overally secure and pick the luxury. Right now the teams do not seem evenly matched so it might be a killing at every challange.

Ugly Betty picked up right where it left off, with a short recap of her love woes and a random escape trip, complete with postcard images and pictures from her "vacation." Cute, as always. LiLo herself made another appearance as Betty's childhood rival and super-duper burger joint manager. Overall the episode was kind of lame with the standard Mode family drama. Hopefully Betty's new found freedom with her own apartment in the city will bring some new adventures.

Grey's brought some interesting storylines, a new hottie-army medic who makes out with Christina after she was stabbed by a falling icicle (dramatic and not expected) and Bernadette Peters as guest star. Broadway diva's own star made her way to prime time and I love me some Bernadette! It was a standard cat and mouse game between Meredith and McDreamy and I am personally tired of this storyline. My favorite scene in the entire 2 hour episode was when Rose told McDreamy that she was pregnant with his child, but unforunately it was just a joke. I thought there was finally be a new component between the Grey-Dreamy drama, but no-go. I hope that this season brings some closure to romance-less drama.

ER is in it's last season and it started with a boom, literally. In ER-like drama they killed off a main character in the first episode, and I cried like a baby. Many characters are leaving before the final curtain, but a few favorites from the past 15 years are returning, including Dr. Green who died years ago from a brain tumor. Noah Wyle will also be returning as fan favorite Dr.Carter, but no word yet from Clooney. I love ER, but it is time for its pulse to flatline.

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