Friday, January 23, 2009

Weekly Video Clip: Tobias Funke

Welcome to a new addition on the blog: the Weekly Video Clip, or WVC.  This is, obviously, where I (and Jen) put a video on the blog.  Also, we reserve the right to show more than one clip a week.  Plus, if you can think of a better than that "Weekly Video Clip" do give me the suggestion. 

You Tube is a great thing because it allows us to see clips of things that we thought we might never see again, like great old commercials. It is also a venue for people to show their creativity with editing.  

So, to start of this feature off, here is one of my favorite characters, in one of my favorite shows of all time.  Yes, you had to know I was going to start of with Arrested Development. Specifically, Tobias Funke and his, shall we say, peculiar way of speaking.  

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

15 hours in one day.

What can make a person watch 15 hours of tv in one day? The election of a new president. The election of hope. A season of change.

Today's coverage is unprecidented and I took the day off from work to revel in history and soak in the festivities. I watched NBC from 7am-7pm and for the past two hours I have been watching ABC for the Neighborhood Ball. Now I am watching a recap of the day with Diane and Charlie. Today was a day to be proud to be an American, proud to witness progress and proud to be a tv junkie. I love it all.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

BSG is here! Lost is almost here!

The last season of Battlestar Galactica got underway yesterday in the States, and while I haven't seen it yet, I hope to soon. I just need to find it (in ways we aren't going to speak of), and then we'll chat.  Lost starts up next week for its penultimate season, and let's just say, I CAN NOT WAIT.  I have already purchased my Season's Pass on iTunes (thanks in large part to a gift card someone gave me), and am ready for the shows to begin downloading. Let's hope iTunes is better at it this year, than they were last season.  

I love both of these shows for their suspense, their quest for answers, and let's face it, for their sci-fi-ness.  I haven't opined a great deal about these two shows, other than that I love them.  I'm going rectify that (hopefully) each week as I see the new episodes, and try and explain what it is that is great about them.  Maybe I can even get some of you who won't watch BSG because you think that people in space is just where you have to draw your sci-fi line, to change your mind.

I'm also looking forward to the new Joss Whedon show, Dollhouse, and seeing if it lives up to Buffy, Firefly, and Angel. 

A lot more to come as the real tv season for me heats up!

Friday, January 9, 2009

A week of new tv...

I am ashamed to say that I have hardly watched ANY tv this week, a week full of new episodes and the return to some favorites. I know my DVR is full to the brim, but I just haven't been home... I was so looking forward to Damages on Wednesday, but have not watched it. Nor I have watched Top Chef, Grey's, Private Practice, ER, and I know there are others. I hope to have time to catch up, but with my work schedule this weekend, it looks like Monday will be the soonest I can get to it. OH, and 24 offically returns this Sunday. I *heart* Jack Bauer and can't wait to him in action once more!!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Damages Returns....

One of the best shows on tv, starring an amazing cast led by Glenn Close returns for its second season Wednesday (tomorrow!) at 10 p.m. EST on FX. I will be sure to post my thoughts after the season premiere.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Better Late Than Never: Sara's Best of 2008...

I’m a little late to the “Best of 2008” game, but I decided to go ahead and join in on the fun. I picked my Top 5 TV shows/moments this year, and while admittedly, I did not get to watch as much television as would have liked to, I think it’s a pretty good list. So, for what it is worth, here they are:

1) Lost
I have always been a big supporter of Lost, never missing an episode. I watched this entire season via iTunes, which was sometimes frustrating as I waited for each new episode to become available. This was the season that Lost showed its true sci-fi feathers (and I for one couldn’t be more happy), picked up the story telling pace, gave us a few answers and more mystery, got Penny and Desmond back together, and generally got its groove back. All those that left came crawling back, and those of us that stayed go to be smug about staying. He he. I can’t wait for the new season, and I suspect it will be one of the things that will get me through the dreary London winter.

2) Summer Heights High
My most recent post tells you why I love it, and it ranks as my best find of 2008. It also is my first non-American or English show to fall in love with, and is indicative of what I get see while in England. Hopefully this will lead to some exciting new posts.

3) The calling of California, Washington, and Hawaii for Barack Obama on the BBC, and the subsequent election coverage…
On a cold November morning, at 4 am GMT, thousands of miles away from my country, and in the quiet of my living room, I watched history being made. The BBC had a countdown, the calling of the win, and then just showed the jubilation, sans commentary for a few minutes. It was the best way to cover it since the election itself had all the pieces to a good drama, with suspense, a history making aspect, and most of all great dialogue. I was glued to the television that night through Obama’s speech, and after some sleep, all the next day. I can say it is a television moment (and a life moment) I will never forget.

4) Battlestar Galactica
While not its best year, it still delivers better than most. With great acting, generally great storytelling, and the weight of a penultimate season, it, like Lost, has me biting my nails to see what’s next. This leads me to ask of you, once again, please rent the DVDs from previous seasons, realize what a great show this is, and give it the send off it deserves.

5) Comparing the two Life on Mars
I tried not to do it, but do it I did. As a major fan of the BBC’s Life on Mars, I just couldn’t help comparing the American version to the original. Once I realized I was going to compare, I embraced it, and went all out. It was fun to be in the know on many storylines, to wonder about the differences in the two shows and why they were made, argue with myself on the merits of John Simm v. Jason O’Mara, or more importantly Philip Glenister v. Harvey Keitel, and to wonder just how different the ending will be.

A television related highlight for me, that didn’t occur on TV, was being a featured blogger on TV Unfortunately, TV has ended that community, but it was fun while it lasted! It was for my post, originally published here, about how hard it is to watch tv legally. I was going to link to it, but it seems to have disappeared. In fact I see there are a lot of changes at that website, and I'm not sure I like it. But, that's another whole post!

I should also give Ashes to Ashes, Lost in Austen, The Bill, Fringe, and SNL’s election coverage aHonorable Mentions, for entertaining me greatly this past year.

I also cannot let the new year pass without some Two Girls in Love, with TV resolutions. The first being: BLOG MORE OFTEN. The rest are a little more nuanced, and start with watching Mad Men, catching up with 30 Rock, discovering new British shows, and oh did I mention, BLOG MORE OFTEN.

I am also really going to work to increase the readership of the blog, so if you read please comment and send your friends on over here. I promise there will be posts on a more regular basis.

I will see you all soon. Happy New Year!