Friday, August 29, 2008

Labor of Love

The upcoming Labor Day weekend means one thing in tv's time for fall tv to begin! I am so excited for many favorite shows to return next week; ANTM, Gossip Girl (a guilty pleasure), Bones. Pretty soon it will be time for Biggest Loser, Survivor, Grey's, the final season of ER (finally), Heroes and CSI. I am most curious about the new spin on Heroes Villians; a new expanded cast, new plots, oh my! It will still be awhile until LOST or 24 (I missed you last year Jack Bauer) reappears, but most of us will have plenty to fill our evenings! Big Brother is still in full swing, with a double elimination last night Good-bye Michelle and Olie. Even though I don't know you, you will not be missed. Dan, one of the most genious player of BB all time, is making enemies, but playing quite a game!

Friday, August 22, 2008

End of summer

Okay, I will be the first to admit that I have not been very good at keeping up with this blog. My life has been hectic and although I have been watching tv religiously, I haven't had the time or desire to blog. The end of summer tends to see a slow-down in new tv and without Big Brother, Olympics or my Bravo show's, there wouldn't be much to watch. Shear Genius (Bravo) is nearing the end of the season but that's okay, but Project Runway is in full swing. I LOVED the last episode with the designers creating appeal for a colorful set of drag queens. It was absolute fab!

The Olympics are nearing the end of its 2008 run as well and it has been quite a show. It was the year of Phelps, Nastia and Shawn Johnson and we watched the majority of prime time coverage. My only negative comment is that the prime time" coverage ends so late at night. The night of the women's overall in gymnastics ended around midnight and I could not stay up to watch it all. Granted I DVR'ed it, but still. One of the biggest competitions and most of our country was asleep. Shame. I am looking forward to the Closing Ceremonies and I am sure I will have something to say about it.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Olympics, American Style

It is the year of Michael Phelps. At least if you watch NBC. There has always been vast coverage of American athletes, but I do not remember anything of this extreme, directed towards one person. He is freakin' everywhere! (I think that NBC forgets at times that there are over 600 American Athletes competing) There is even a Phelps Phan commercial, and as I watch the prime time coverage of the Olympics tonight, he just won his third gold metal in three days. No matter how much coverage there is, I have to admit that he is amazing.

To sound off from Sara's excellent post on Olympics, London-style, I have to admit that I am glad to be home during the coverage. I do love, and cry, at the human interest stories that are abundant during prime time coverage. I love the sappy music that plays in the background and for a non-sporting person, it makes it easier to connect to the sport, through the person. And, yes, Bob Costas is a legend in American Olympics coverage...his commentary at the Opening Ceremony adds to the drama. His voice is iconic, whether you like it or not.

Every night from 7-10p.m., I watch the daily coverage. I do love that NBC covers the major events in a consolidated time frame so that we get a nice taste, but can still work, eat and carry normal life for the 16 days. And, I watch the TODAY show every morning at 7am, so I get a nice bookend to my days.

Side Note**Not sure if anyone has noticed the new line of United Airlines commercials running through the Olympics coverage, but it is artistic-genius-inspirational and simply beautiful. I am so impressed with their campaign, that I want to take a trip. I guess their marketing did their job.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

My first Olympics away from home

Before I get going, I must say in the interest of full disclosure, I LOVE THE OLYMPICS.  I love everything about them: the sports, the athletes, the outfits, the cheesy commentary, the tear-at-your-heartstrings features, the commercials...literally everything.  But, for the interest of a blog about TV, I am going to focus (as much as possible) on the television aspects of the Olympics and the overall viewing experience.  

One of the big differences that experience this year, more so than ever before, is the proliferation of streaming internet video.  I have to say it makes it so much easier for someone who does not have an actual TV set to stay connected, and it also gives quite a bit of choice on what to watch.  Obviously the jury is still out on how effective it will be, but it definitely adds a new dimension to the event.

For me most importantly, this is the first time I will ever watch the Olympics from a different location than the United States. Here in London all the coverage is from the BBC--and there is a great deal of it--especially since London will be the host in four years. The city (and country) definitely have Olympic fever. As eager as I am to see the Olympics from a different perspective, I will cop to the things I will miss: the NBC Olympic theme, Bob Costas, and the Chevy Olympic Moment they do every night.  What I won't miss--the blatant focus on American athletes at the expense of other interesting people from around the world. 

So, on to my thoughts, which is mainly a comparison of what I am used to and what I see now. The first major difference so far is that the main coverage is shown between 2 pm and 6 pm each day.  I've been trying to work out why this is done, but I haven't figured it out.  I thought it was maybe so events could be shown live, but I think China is 8 hours ahead of London, so I don't think that is why.  Since I don't know when the coverage has traditionally been shown in the past I'm not sure if this is typical or not. What I do know is how unusual it is for me!  I am used to the U.S.-style of coverage where all things important are shown in prime time.  Lucky for me I am able to watch the coverage (for the most part) during the day, but I think I would be quite frustrated if I was working full-time.  Then again, if this is how it has always been done, other people probably don't give it a second thought.

When watching the Opening Ceremony  the coverage was pretty similar to what I am used to, with the major exception being the British accents (don't you know the Olympics are being held in Chiner?). Though Michael Johnson, he of the 1996 Olympics, Nike golden shoes, and two gold medals in the 200m and 400m, is a commentator so I did get an American accent fix.  Also, I think I was sort of expecting there to be a heavy concentration on Great Britain and its athletes, but not so much. Of course during the Parade of Nations there were quite a bit of discussion on the team, but there was also as much discussion about President Bush. Granted this is a very controversial Olympics, but still it constantly amazes me how often American culture, politics, and people are mentioned in international broadcasts.  I'm not sure this is entirely a good thing, and sadly, our coverage never reciprocates. I mean seriously, can you imagine the U.S. coverage having a British person on the commentating team talking about all the British athletes and their chances. No? Me either. 

The other major difference I noticed, thus far, is the absence of the "special features" so to speak.  We are all aware of those Olympic Moments (the ones I love) and how they are designed to make you cry.  Or manipulate you, depending on your perspective and willingness to cry. And how you can't really get through an entire night of coverage without at least two of these stories. I didn't see a single one of those in the 4+ hours of coverage I saw.   But, I am actually totally okay with that.  It doesn't seem like a very British thing to do, and my tear ducts will enjoy taking some time off.

What I am excited for is the chance to see athletes that aren't American participate in events. I have already seen more gymnastics coverage of British athletes in a short 6 minute video than I probably have seen in all of my other Olympic gymnastics viewing; and believe me I have spent many (many) hours watching Olympic gymnastics.  I am excited to hear different commentary and different points of view and hear different anthems.  

As the coverage goes on I will try and talk about the similiarites and differences some more and let you know if anything else exciting happens, by way of the TV.  So please enjoy the Olympics! I know I will.